question: we have a
video of a disney film called "pete's dragon." are you the jim dale
playing doc terminus?
jim: you got it. in the film i was doc
terminus, the one who wanted to chop up the dragon into a thousand bits, then
sell every little piece as a souvenir. why not? dragons are a dime a dozen in
disney films.
question: mom says
she saw you fall off a tightrope once in a broadway musical.
jim: once? i fell off
it most nights, i hardly ever stayed on it!
but your mom is right. it was a musical called "barnum" about
the life of p.t.barnum who invented the circus, and i played the man himself.
the tightrope was thirty eight feet long and nine feet off the
ground. i had to walk it with no pole or umbrella to help keep my balance,
and sing a song at the same time.

don't try it, i still have the bruises!

question: my dad is
english and says he bought a record of yours when you were a pop singer. is he
kidding me?
jim: so it was him who bought
it? i've often wondered!
i didn't enjoy singing as much as acting though. i tried it for about three
years. i had a great recording manager called george martin. later he became the
genius responsible for all the hit records of the beatles. i made about a dozen
records with him, but i missed the laughter, so i gave up pop singing, and went
back to performing comedy in the theater.
(for more information on this period of jim's life, click on to recordings in
jim's biography)

question: when and
what was your first big break into show business?
jim: i was seventeen.
i auditioned as an impressionist, but tripped over the stage curtain as i was
walking on stage and nearly broke my neck. afterwards they told me the
impressions were terrible, but the fall was funny. if i could think up an act
quickly, i could be in the show that night. so i took a couple of hours to
developed a crazy comedy routine. i went on that night and the audience laughed.
i then joined the show for two years as a tumbler. some nights my entrance onto
the stage was down a fifteen foot staircase doing two and a half flying
somersaults. don't try that either, i still have those scars!
at seventeen

question: do audio
tapes get reviewed like films and books.
jim: certainly they do. more and more
magazines are realizing the importance of audio books and are giving space for
the critics. some harry potter reviews i now pass on to you. click on audio
reviews at the bottom of this page.

question: did you
do all your own stunts in the various films?
jim: most of them. here are a few below.
"carry on, follow that

it's called "the quick camel dismount!" don't try this either.
camel-bitten-bums take a long time to heal!

"hot lead-cold feet"

canoe sank going down oregon rapids!
i ended up as part of a log-jam-sandwich.

on cowboy"

the horses stopped - but i didn't! missed hitting the camera lens by
one inch!

"adolph hitler-my part in
his downfall"

a real knock out!
i passed out - was counted out - then carried out.
man mountain did the same thing again during take 2 and 3.

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