Theatre Reviews U.K.
Scapino Oliver!
The National Health A
Midsummer Night's Dream The Taming of the Shrew
The Merchant of Venice Loves
Labours Lost A
Winter's Tale The Good
Natured Man The Burglar
The Card The Architect and the Emperor of Assyria
on to Theater Reviews U.S.A. Jim's Biography
"The Good-Natured Man" 1972 Directed by John Dexter Old Vic, London
Reviewer Herbert Kretzmer
"If the National Theatre's newest production survives
at all it will be because of Jim Dale and Bill Fraser. It is ironic that an ex
pop singer and TV's Immortal "Snudge" should turn out to be the saviors
of a play in what, after all, is supposed to be the home of all that is most
elevated in the British Drama. But it is precisely the broad comedy strokes of
Fraser and Dale that whip some much needed vigor into Oliver Goldsmith's
moribund comedy of manners. Jim, as a perfumed eighteenth century impostor, and
Bill as a compulsive grumbler lift the play off the floor."
Reviewer Derek Mahon The Listener
"Jim Dale an Bill Fraser are the highlights of an
extremely fine cast. Jim Dale especially, his appearance and deportment
carefully modeled on those of a Rowlandson con-man, his fussy, ingratiating
manner suggestive of lap dogs and grateful dowagers, has created a coherent and
riveting period character."