Theatre Reviews U.K.
Scapino Oliver!
The National Health A
Midsummer Night's Dream The Taming of the Shrew
The Merchant of Venice Loves
Labours Lost A
Winter's Tale The Good
Natured Man The Burglar
The Card The Architect and the Emperor of Assyria
on to Theater Reviews U.S.A. Jim's Biography
"A Winter's
Tale" 1966 Cambridge Theatre, London
Reporter Alastair Stewart Edinburgh Press
"This 'Tale' will probably be remembered as
the show that turned a pop singer into a Shakespearean clown. Jim Dale's performance as Autolycus, a mischievous rogue of nimble and
remarkable polish, is doubtless one of the reasons the demand for this
exceedingly polished presentation was such that an extra matinee had to be
fitted in to meet it."
Reviewer B.E.Young The Financial Times
"Even if he was a pop star, Jim is the best Autolycus
I have ever seen!"
Reviewer Anthony Seymour Yorkshire Post
"It was Jim Dale who brought the show alive with one of
those farcical roles Shakespeare delighted in. I have only seen Mr. Dale in
modern comedies before. Clearly he has much greater gifts."
Reviewer Nina Hibbin Morning Star
"But the whole of the second half is dominated by the
best bit of pop casting in the show. Versatile Jim Dale uses all his diverse
talents, mimicry, movement, mime and song - to build up a brilliant portrayal of
the sly peddler, Autolycus."